
Martin Böttcher ~ Die Halbstarken / Endstation Liebe Original Soundtrack (1956 / 1958)

Outstanding collection! Seldom the film scores can be so listenable outside the move context, for which they have been written. Skilfully composed and arranged, the tunes from "Die Halbstarken" and especially from "Endstation Liebe" will take you to a different musical universe. Conveying such powerful ideas using nothing but conventional orchestra instruments can be only be done by a highly skilled and sensitive composer/arranger.
From the point of production and craftsmanship, this album is top notch. Beautifully executed and packaged, it adds to an overall experience and value. The sound quality is outstanding. Even though I prefer vinyl recordings, this CD offers a sound experience not heard on old and worn out LP's.

It is not easy to describe Mr. Böttcher's music, it has to be experienced. Once you spend some time listening to this beautiful album, I am sure you will be, just like me, hooked forever.

Die Halbstarken
01. Mr.Martin's Shop (2:06)
02. Musik ohne Titel (2:47)
03. Swing Party (2:06)
04. In Chicago (2:19)
05. Mr.Martin's Mop (1:53)
06. 'Außer Dir gibt's doch nichts' (0:42)
07. Leider gut (1:26)
08. Mario und Helga (0:36)
09. Das Verhör der Gang (1:08)
10. Warten (1:32)
11. Der Postraub (2:00)
12. Immer elegant (2:33)
13. Sissy - Blues (2:12)
14. Das Ende (1:48)

Endstation Liebe
15. Titelmusik (2:03)
16. Mr.Martin's Riff (1:43)
17. Mecky und Christa bummeln (2:37)
18. Erster Flirt (2:21)
19. Traumfahrt (1:28)
20. Mecky küsst Christa (2:48)
21. Auf dem Weg zur Party (0:32)
22. Ein Thron für Christa (2:41)
23. Mecky und Christa kochen Kaffee (1:03)
24. Der alte Lehrer (2:30)
25. Kartenspiel mit Happy-End (1:46)
26. Groggy (3:56)
27. Mecky denkt an Christa (1:34)
28.  Endstation Liebe  - Bonus Track (2:33)

Mr.Martin's Shop 

Endstation Liebe


  1. oh my god, rapidshare have no mercy, please re-up this one too! :-)

  2. alternate link:

    I agree, rapidshare has become a real bad news.
